
Map and Fold | Basics

Map and fold is a different approach of solving a problem then we normally do in our daily computations.

Basic steps

  • The problem basically is a list of some values(eg a number array), and we have to do some operation on it to get the output.
  • There is a mapper f(x) which takes one value at a time, and creates another value as its output. The created value may be same or different depending upon the required result.
  • The Fold(g(x,y), I) function takes a function g(x,y) and an initial value I.
  • Given a problem in Map and fold, as a solution, we have to find the 
    • function f(x), 
    • function g(x,y), 
    • initial value I, 
    • And the interpretation of the final result.

Lets learn it with an example.

Problem) We have an array of numbers {2, 7, 9}. Find the sum of squares of the numbers in the array using map and fold.


{2, 7, 9}                   - f(x) ->                                                     {4, 49, 81}  
{4, 49, 81}              - Fold(g(x,y), 0) ->                                   134

{0 + 4=4, 4+49=53, 53+81=134}

f(x) = x^2
g(x,y) = x + y
Initial value = 0

final result is the solution(ie, sum of the squares of the numbers in the array)

Lets look at the fold diagram of map and fold.

You can see that the initial value is the first y of the g(x,y) function. The output of the first call to g(x,y) is passed to the g(x,y) again as next y value. So the Fold operation is done sequentially, but the f(x) can be done parallel.

Problem 2)

Write a Map and Fold Algorithm to classify an array into three different category.
A)Has more even numbers
B)Has more odd numbers
C)Has equal number of even and odd numbers

Solution 2=>

int f(x){
    return (x%2==0?1:-1;)
int g(x,y){
     return x+y;

Initial value = 0

+ integer : more evens, - integer: more odds, 0: equal


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