
Eight Tips to be a professional

We often hear things like we should be professional at our work. Professional people have more chance to grow in the corporate world than unprofessional one. But what does it really mean to be professional. Ok, I want to be a very successful person and I am ready to be a professional, but what do I do to be a professional. Lets watch out.
To be a professional does not mean anything so great that a normal person could not have. Rather its something normal persons always have in some form but they did not recognize it, or they do not present it in a serious way as to gain advantage. This means not the skills and qualifications you should struggle hard to achieve, but the skills on you that you overlook and ignore. Doing small things regularly and properly will be the best thing to help you gain success and be a professional.
You are good in playing football, or might be you are good in study and can do it very well without making very much effort. Then its best to try make it your profession. That way, your confidence will always be high because you have less chance of failure. Also there are lots of ideas to innovate, in your career that will help you keep going to success. If unfortunately , you end up adopting something hard for you to do, you will have to spend good amount of time through the learning curve and gaining confidence before you get going to success.
Here are a list of few things you could do to be a professional.
  1. Avoid Being Unprofessional

    There are lots of things you might do that will make you unprofessional. For example, not keeping control over yourself, not pre thinking anything you do, lack of preparation in meetings or work, unpunctuality, late submission of job, not meeting deadlines etc. Keeping these things under control required daily discipline and work and do a magic to increase your reputation.
  2. Be Passionate

    This means love what you do. If you do not like what you are doing, you can certainly not work hard for it to make it better. Thats how your mind work, and you will certainly fail. Once you fail, everything breaks down, your confidence, your reputation, your self-respect, your energy. Without these vitals you are left alone in the complex world to start up again. So NEVER GET CURIOUS ABOUT HOW WILL IT FEEL TO FAIL. Because you do once, you are out of competition. Choose something you love to do, and do it with your full effort.
  3. Be Reliable

    Reliability means dependence. Its a good character of a professional. If you promise someone to do something, then do it in time. Otherwise pre inform that you might not do it, and don't take the responsibility. This will certainly help people to have a good attitude towards you, and will give a good message to the people who evaluate you.
  4. Eagerness

    Self motivation is always one of the key components to keep you work hard and get success. Motivation makes you eager to do new things, innovate new ideas, and do your work in a better way. If a person stops feeling eager, and starts getting of his/her job, Its the path to the be a looser. Nobody likes looser.
  5. Flexibility

    This means to move from one state of thinking to another without much effort and as per time and need. Be ready to do what ever it takes to reach the success, and do what ever you have to , to get it. Don't lie to yourself. People often think that, after I finished my collage I will not read again, and I will earn money by doing a job. This is a self lying, and when You do realize that you have do study even harder when you are working, Your confidence of forecasting your life will break. Loosing confidence has a very bad disadvantage for your energy level. So be flexible in almost everything you think, be ready to change your concept if need be. Be ready to work late night, be ready to research, etc etc.
  6. Start Somewhere

    Its strange but true that, Lots of people are afraid to start a new thing because they are afraid of failure. Well, if you don't start and try to succeed, you are a failure anyway. Its a good idea to research and learn something before you start a new business or a new work etc, but don't take forever to learn. Make a schedule that I will learn this much in this time, and by this, I will start working in it. Don't estimate too small time, neither too long. Take your time and do it right.
  7. Be a Problem Solver

    Complaining is a sign of a weak and lazy person. Those who always complain, are afraid to go forward and deal with the problem and make it right. Everybody likes a problem solver, than a problem pointer. A professional always tries to find the root cause of the problem, whether it is avoidable or not, alternatives, ways to minimize its affects etc. Think logically and always try to solve the problem rather than complain in front of others.
  8. Know YourSelf

    Nobody is perfect. At least not in everything. Every now and then, you will hear things like 'companies want to hire a rock-star' , be confident in what you do, Be perfect in everything. But always believe only those things that you should, and don't let these nonsense change your behavior. Properly decide what you want to present yourself in front of others and then don't change frequently.

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